BGEO Group Financial Update slide image

BGEO Group Financial Update

Income Statement | Quarterly BGEO Consolidated Banking Business Investment Business Eliminations INCOME STATEMENT QUARTERLY 03 2015 Q3 2014 Change Y-O-Y Q2 2015 Change Q-O-Q Q3 2015 Q3 2014 Change Y-O-Y Q2 2015 Change Q-O-Q Q3 2015 Q3 2014 Change Y-O-Y Q2 2015 Change Q-O-Q Q3 2015 Q3 2014 Q2 2015 Banking interest income 219,999 148,330 48.3% 211,869 3.8% 223,800 150,084 49.1% 215,313 3.9% Banking interest expense (93,821) (59,953) 56.5% (89,080) 5.3% (94,551) (60,107) 57.3% (88,910) 6.3% (3,801) 730 (1,754) 154 (3,444) (170) Net banking interest income 126,178 88,377 42.8% 122,789 2.8% 129,249 89,977 43.6% 126,403 2.3% (3,071) (1,600) (3,614) Fee and commission income 41,114 35,151 17.0% 38,944 5.6% 41.532 35,578 16.7% 40,160 3.4% (418) (427) (1,216) Fee and commission expense (10,323) (7,780) 32.7% (9,823) 5.1% (10,471) (7,780) 34.6% (9,988) 4.8% 148 165 Net fee and commission income 30,791 27.371 12.5% 29,121 5.7% 31,061 27,798 11.7% 30,172 2.9% (270) (427) (1,051) Net banking foreign currency gain 18,675 13,431 39.0% 19,765 -5.5% 18,675 13,431 39.0% 19,765 -5.5% Net other banking income 4,938 1,291 NMF 2,481 99.0% 5,231 1,324 295.1% 2,810 86.2% (293) (33) (329) Net insurance premiums earned 24,151 23,331 3.5% 22,566 7.0% 10,332 7,349 40.6% 9,777 5.7% 14,363 Net insurance claims incurred (14,368) (13,647) 5.3% (16,749) -14.2% (4,503) Gross insurance profit Healthcare revenue 9,783 49,670 9,684 1.0% 5,817 68.2% 5,829 (3,592) 3,757 25.4% 55.2% (6,304) 3,473 -28.6% (9,865) 67.8% 4,498 16,444 (10,055) 6,389 -12.7% 13.244 8.4% (544) (462) (455) -1.9% -29.6% (10,445) -5.6% 2,799 60.7% (544) (462) (455) 33,090 50.1% 41,217 20.5% 49,670 33,090 50.1% 41,217 20.5% Cost of healthcare services. (27,552) (18,853) 46.1% (23,118) 19.2% (27,552) (18,853) 46.1% (23,118) 19.2% Gross healthcare profit 22,118 14,237 55.4% 18,099 22.2% 22,118 14,237 55.4% 18,099 22.2% Real estate revenue 981 17,160 -94.3% 1,716 -42.8% 981 17,160 -94.3% 1,716 -42.8% Cost of real estate (230) (15,906) -98.6% (1,757) -86.9% (230) (15,906) -98.6% (1,757) -86.9% Gross real estate profit Gross other investment profit 751 3,373 1,254 3,577 -40.1% -5.7% (41) 4,734 NMF 751 1,254 -40.1% (41) NMF -28.7% 3,229 3,580 -9.8% 4,709 -31.4% 144 (3) 25 Revenue 216,607 159,222 36.0% 202,765 6.8% Salaries and other employee benefits (47,385) (40,341) 17.5% (45,044) 5.2% Administrative expenses (21,044) (17,937) 17.3% (22,102) -4.8% Banking depreciation and amortisation (8,505) (6,408) 32.7% (8,338) 2.0% Other operating expenses (628) Operating expenses (77,562) Operating income before cost of credit risk/ EBITDA 139,045 (877) (65,563) 93,659 -28.4% (1,364) -54.0% 190.045 (39,768) (17,320) (8,505) (574) 136,287 (33,630) 39.4% 18.3% 182,623 4.1% 30,596 25,460 20.2% 25.566 19.7% (4,034) (2,525) (5,424) (38,066) 4.5% (8,143) (7,183) 13.4% (7,460) 9.2% 526 472 482 18.3% (76,848) 0.9% Profit from associates 1,444 48.5% 125,917 1,979 10.4% -27.0% (66,167) 123,878 (14,079) 23.0% (17,899) (6,408) 32.7% (8,338) (601) -4.5% (941) (54,718) 20.9% (65,244) -3.2% (4,047) (4,025) 0.5% (4,498) -10.0% 323 167 295 2.0% , -39.0% (54) 1.4% (12,244) (276) (11,484) -80.4% (423) -87.2% 6.6% (12,381) -1.1% 849 639 777 81,569 51.9% 117,379 5.5% 18,352 1,444 13,976 31.3% 13,185 39.2% (3,185) (1,886) (4,647) 1,979 -27.0% Depreciation and amortization of investment. business (4,227) (2,352) 79.7% (2,579) 63.9% (4,227) (2,352) 79.7% (2,579) 63.9% Net foreign currency gain from investment business (2,311) Interest income from investment business. 499 Interest expense from investment business. (2,080) (281) 252 (1,872) NMF 98.0% 2,689 622 NMF (2,311) (281) NMF 2,689 NMF -19.8% 719 406 77.1% 844 -14.8% (220) (154) (222) 11.1% (2,632) -21.0% (5,485) (3,912) 40.2% (7,501) -26.9% 3.405 2.040 4,869 Operating income before cost of credit risk 132,370 89,406 48.1% 125,996 5.1% Impairment charge on loans to customers (34,857) (15,852) 119.9% (35,105) -0.7% 123.878 (34,857) 81,569 51.9% (15,852) 119.9% 117.379 5.5% 8,492 7,837 8.4% 8.617 -1.5% (35,105) -0.7% Impairment charge on finance lease receivables. Impairment charge on other assets and provisions 156 17 NMF (1,779) NMF 156 17 NMF (1,779) NMF (946) 530 NMF (4,983) -81.0% (51) 972 NMF (3,880) -98.7% (895) (442) 102.5% (1,103) -18.9% Cost of credit risk (35,647) (15,305) 132.9% (41,867) -14.9% (34,752) Net operating income before non-recurring items 96,723 74,101 30.5% 84,129 15.0% 89,126 Net non-recurring items (5,489) (727) NMF (413) NMF (4,967) Profit before income tax. 91,234 73,374 24.3% 83,716 9.0% 84,159 (14,863) 66,706 (718) 65,988 133.8% (40,764) -14.7% (895) (442) 102.5% (1,103) -18.9% 33.6% 76,615 16.3% 7,597 7,395 2.7% 7,514 1.1% NMF (3,409) 45.7% (522) (9) NMF 2,996 NMF 27.5% 73,206 15.0% 7,075 7.386 -4.2% 10,510 -32.7% Income tax expense (10,329) (11,066) -6.7% (11,686) -11.6% Profit 80,905 62,308 29.8% 72,030 12.3% (10,757) 73,402 (10,353) 3.9% (11,753) -8.5% 428 (713) NMF 67 NMF 55,635 31.9% 61,453 19.4% 7,503 6,673 12.4% 10.577 -29.1% Attributable to: -shareholders of the Group 78,167 59.937 30.4% 70,601 10.7% 71,830 54,740 31.2% 60,963 17.8% 6,337 5,197 21.9% 9,638 -34.2% -non-controlling interests 2,738 2.371 15.5% 1,429 91.6% 1,572 895 75.6% 490 NMF 1,166 1,476 -21.0% 939 24.2% Earnings per share (basic) 2.04 1.74 17.2% 1.84 10.9% Holding company of BANK OF GEORGIA BGEO GROUP November 2015 page 79
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