State Wise Coverage of Vitamin A Supplementation slide image

State Wise Coverage of Vitamin A Supplementation

Awareness among FLWs regarding VAS services and Correct Dosage of Vitamin A Proportion of health workers aware about number of doses of Vitamin A for children aged less than 5 years (9 doses) (%) 73.2 69.8 State wise distribution of health functionaries aware about number of doses to be given to children aged less than 5 years S. No State ANM AWW ASHA 73 Total Present % Total Present % Total Present % 1. Chhattisgarh 40 97.5% 34 94.1% 39 97.4% ANM AWW ASHA 2. Madhya Pradesh 55 78.2% 46 73.9% 51 76.5% 3. Uttar Pradesh 144 64.6% 119 61.3% 136 64.7% Total 239 73.2% 199 69.8% 226 73.0% N = 239 ANMS, 199 AWWs, 226 ASHAS
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