The Unibanco Letters - Dual-Hatting Regulations and Global Enforcement slide image

The Unibanco Letters - Dual-Hatting Regulations and Global Enforcement

UK Law: What's Next? – MIFID 2 – New TCF Access Regime (Cont.) - - A TCF registered with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) from an equivalent third country may provide cross-border investment services to wholesale clients EEA-wide without being required to establish a branch anywhere in the EEA If a negative decision - existing national regime, whether liberal or restrictive - continues to apply until a positive decision by the European Commission: • ESMA must register a TCF that has applied only where the following conditions are met: - - The European Commission has adopted an equivalence decision re: that third country (focusing on prudential and business conduct requirements) and the third country must also provide reciprocal access to its market The TCF is authorized in the jurisdiction where its head office is established to offer the investment services to be provided in the EEA and it is subject to effective supervision and enforcement ensuring full compliance with the requirements applicable in that third country Morgan Lewis 66
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