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Investor Presentaiton

Endnotes N Cautionary Statement Regarding Reserve and Resource Estimates: The reserves stated herein were prepared in compliance with Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K adopted by the United States Securities and Exchanges Commission (the "SEC") and represent the amount of gold, copper, silver, lead, zinc and molybdenum estimated, at December 31, 2022, could be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time of the reserve determination. The term "economically," as used in this definition, means that profitable extraction or production has been established or analytically demonstrated in at a minimum, a pre-feasibility study to be viable and justifiable under reasonable investment and market assumptions. The term "legally," as used in this definition, does not imply that all permits needed for mining and processing have been obtained or that other legal issues have been completely resolved. However, for a reserve to exist, Newmont (or our joint venture partners) must have a justifiable expectation, based on applicable laws and regulations, that issuance of permits or resolution of legal issues necessary for mining and processing at a particular deposit will be accomplished in the ordinary course and in a timeframe consistent with Newmont's (or our joint venture partners') current mine plans. Reserves in this presentation are aggregated from the proven and probable classes. The term "Proven reserves" used in the tables of the appendix means reserves for which (a) quantity is estimated from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, workings or drill holes; (b) grade and/or quality are estimated from the results of detailed sampling; and (c) the sites for inspection, sampling and measurements are spaced so closely and the geologic character is sufficiently defined that size, shape, depth and mineral content of reserves are well established. The term "Probable reserves" means reserves for which quantity and grade are estimated from information similar to that used for Proven reserves, but the sites for sampling are farther apart or are otherwise less closely spaced. The degree of assurance, although lower than that for Proven reserves, is high enough to assume continuity between points of observation. Newmont classifies all reserves as Probable on its development projects until a year of production has confirmed all assumptions made in the reserve estimates. Proven and Probable reserves include gold, copper, silver, zinc, lead or molybdenum attributable to Newmont's ownership or economic interest. Proven and Probable reserves were calculated using cut-off grades. The term "cutoff grade" means the lowest grade of mineralized material considered economic to process. Cut-off grades vary between deposits depending upon prevailing economic conditions, mineability of the deposit, by-products, amenability of the ore to gold, copper, silver, zinc, lead or molybdenum extraction and type of milling or leaching facilities available. Estimates of Proven and Probable reserves are subject to considerable uncertainty. Such estimates are, or will be, to a large extent, based on the prices of gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead and molybdenum and interpretations of geologic data obtained from drill holes and other exploration techniques, which data may not necessarily be indicative of future results. If our reserve estimations are required to be revised using significantly lower gold, silver, zinc, copper, lead and molybdenum prices as a result of a decrease in commodity prices, increases in operating costs, reductions in metallurgical recovery or other modifying factors, this could result in material write-downs of our investment in mining properties, goodwill and increased amortization, reclamation and closure charges. Producers use pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for undeveloped ore bodies to derive estimates of capital and operating costs based upon anticipated tonnage and grades of ore to be mined and processed, the predicted configuration of the ore body, expected recovery rates of metals from the ore, the costs of comparable facilities, the costs of operating and processing equipment and other factors. Actual operating and capital cost and economic returns on projects may differ significantly from original estimates. Further, it may take many years from the initial phases of exploration until commencement of production, during which time, the economic feasibility of production may change. Estimates of resources are subject to further exploration and development, are subject to additional risks, and no assurance can be given that they will eventually convert to future reserves. Inferred resources, in particular, have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and their economic and legal feasibility. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the Inferred resource exists or is economically or legally mineable. The Company cannot be certain that any part or parts of the resource will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, if the price of gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead or molybdenum declines from recent levels, if production costs increase, grades decline, recovery rates decrease or if applicable laws and regulations are adversely changed, the indicated level of recovery may not be realized or mineral reserves or resources might not be mined or processed profitably. If we determine that certain of our mineral reserves or resources have become uneconomic, this may ultimately lead to a reduction in our aggregate reported mineral reserves and resources. Consequently, if our actual mineral reserves and resources are less than current estimates, our business, prospects, results of operations and financial position may be materially impaired. Investors are encouraged to review the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 23, 2023, which includes the "Proven and Probable Reserve" and "Measured and Indicated and Inferred Resource" tables, prepared in compliance with Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K adopted by the SEC, as well as discussion of risks under the heading "Risk Factors", which are available at or on the Company's website at FEBRUARY 2023 INVESTOR PRESENTATION NEWMONT CORPORATION 58
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