World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International World Leaders in Marketing Research Consultancy: World Bank Country Survey 2013 Section 4: World Bank Access and Media Habits: Advisory for a Future Strategy WORLD BANK 4 Access and Media Habits 4.7 Exposure to The World Bank: Multi-channel exposure for stakeholders and clients Stakeholders and clients get exposed to the World Bank and its activities through multiple and different channels. A substantial 71% of the stakeholders, and a significant 35% of the clients reported "Observer" as their main source of exposure to the Bank in Pakistan. Predictably, clients had substantial exposure through multiple channels, most notably through the Use of World Bank reports/data (42%) and Collaboration as part of professional work (45%). Q 25: Which of the following describes most of your exposure to the World Bank in Pakistan? Observer (i.e., follow in media, discuss in formal conversations, etc.) Use World Bank reports/data Engage in World Bank related/sponsored events/activities Collaborate as part of my professional duties Percent of Respondents (%) Stakeholders Client 71% 35% 38% 42% 15% 36% 18% 45% 31% 30% 4% 1% Sample size: Stakeholders (n= 523); Client (n= 188) Source: Gallup Pakistan - World Bank CSS 2013 Page 86 Use world bank website for information, data, research, etc. No response
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