Maintaining Strategy to Deliver Volumetric Growth
Contract Pricing Reflects Changes in Lithium Market Prices
Energy Storage Net Sales1
(by Contract Type)
Purchase order-based
price negotiations, heavily
influenced by index
Leverage to Continued Strong Market Prices
Majority of volumes sold under long-term contracts
(typically 2-5 years duration) with strategic customers
Partnerships across the value chain including major
cathode, battery, and OEM customers
Assuming a +$10/kg change in full-year 2023 market
indices equates to a +$5-7/kg change in Albemarle's
average full-year 2023 realized pricing2
Updated net sales split reflects updated market pricing; no
change to contracts or volumes
variable-priced (typically
3-month lag, some with
floors and ceilings,
specifics vary by contract)
1 As of June 30, 2023; excludes technical grade spodumene and by-product net sales
2 Assumes prevailing market pricing and Albemarle contract book as of June 30, 2023
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