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Investor Presentaiton

TEKNO SA Shareholder Structure <TKNSA TI> Other 11.7% TEKNOSA İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş INVESTOR PRESENTATION Sabancı Family 28.1% Sabancı Holding 60.3% 4 Sabancı Holding <SAHOL TI> is the major shareholder of Teknosa with a 60.3% stake. ➤ Among one of the leading & most respected conglomerates in Turkey, Sabancı Holding is active on financial services (Akbank, Aksigorta, Avivasa), energy (Enerjisa), retail (Teknosa, Carrefoursa), cement (Akcansa, Cimsa) and automotive and tire reinforcement materials (Brisa, Kordsa, Temsa) sectors. 11.7% of Teknosa shares are free floated and the company is listed on the BIST since May 17, 2012.
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