A World-Class Investment in Food Security
Brazil Potash is a Compelling Investment Opportunity
Food Security
Brazil is the largest net exporter of food, has the world's largest amount of land & freshwater
A domestic, in-market source of potash helps secure agricultural output and mitigate risk of global
food and supply shocks
Brazil Potash will be the world's lowest-cost producer of potash to Brazil because of the strategic in-
country location
There are countless local, national and global benefits to society and the environment that arise
from development of Autazes
Avoidance of unnecessary transportation emissions & connecting cities to the ~77% hydroelectric
grid² are just two of these
Recent geopolitical events have highlighted the need for Potash supply security
Brazil Potash Corp can be a key part of the Solution
Source: FAO, WTO; Our World in Data Notes: (1) As defined by nominal value of exports minus imports in 2019 (2) 2021 per capita electricity mix from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables
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