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Investor Presentaiton

George Monbiot "The fight for democracy and justice and the fight against environmental breakdown are one and the same. Do not allow those who have caused this (climate) crisis to define the limits of political action. Do not allow those whose magical thinking got us into this mess tell us what can and cannot be done." Stuart Rollo "Pressure from the international community changed the concept of an independent East Timor from a dream into reality in less than a decade. Australia's government should give heed to this historical parallel, and begin work to reverse the betrayals which Australia has so pragmatically inflicted on the West Papuan people. It could start by apologising for its historical role in arming Indonesia's repressive military, and reaffirming support for freedom of speech within Australia's borders. The potential for instability in both West Papua and Indonesia as a result of independence is real, but the stabilisation of both states as they transition is not beyond the capabilities of a resolute international community." SEL ANAL HISTO HIST VORIGINALA ABORIGINAL HI ABORIGINAL HIS
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