Investor Presentaiton
Develop the strategy and the overarching policies (I/II)
Initiative objective
Enable the implementation of agro-business ecosystem improvement initiatives by setting policies and
guiding principles that create an enabling and fair environment
Position Plateau state as an Agro-hub
A.2.1 Develop overarching strategy to set priorities and targets for the sector
Key elements should include developing priority crops (Potatoes, Maize and Yam
etc.), protecting price for farmers, attracting investors, developing basic
infrastructure, enhancing sustainable mgmt. of resources; improving access to
credit (see sample strategy doc. in backup folder)
Develop one agricultural policy that fosters:
A.2.2 Fair, mutually beneficial relationships across the agribusiness value chain:
PADP to improve fair pricing though widespread dissemination of information on
market prices to farmers on a regular basis, in order for them to make informed
sales decisions (See initiative 3.3)
Clearly define objectives of MDAS (PADP, Min. of Agriculture, FADAMA etc.) and
ensure sufficient coordination between them through quarterly meetings, where
they share information on farmers, progress on initiatives, donor support needs
etc. and identify areas to support each other
Develop framework and terms to guide enforcement of agreements drawn up
under Contract Farming or any other contracts
Ensure financial institutions serve as 3rd party intermediary for all financial
transactions between MDAs, distributor and farmers to reduce corruption
Initiative Lead
Ministry of Agriculture
Clear priorities and targets defined for
Agricultural policy defined and approved
PADP provides information on prices,
markets, extension services etc. to
Document detailing out key objectives,
obligations and mandate of MDAS
Terms for violation of contract and guiding
principles for enforcement identified
Note: PADP Plateau Agricultural Development Program; BOI - Bank of Industry; NDB - National Development Bank; MDB - Multilateral
Development Bank; FI - Financial Institution
Recommended timeline
2 months
6 months
1 months
3 months
2 months
Potential quick-win
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