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Investor Presentaiton

Hyperinflation accounting in Türkiye Application of IAS 29 to consolidation of ING in Türkiye ■ We applied IAS 29 ('Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies') to the consolidation of our subsidiary in Türkiye, effective as of 1 January 2022, as cumulative inflation in Türkiye over the preceding three years had exceeded 100% ■ The application of IAS 29 resulted in a negative accounting impact on ING net result in 2Q2023 of €-14 mln, reflecting the adjustments for changes in the general purchasing power of the Turkish lira Resilient net profit and shareholders' distribution has not been affected as the total quarterly P&L impact of €-14 mln was treated as a significant item not linked to the normal course of business, in line with ING's distribution policy Impact on results (in € mln) 1Q2023 2Q2023 Profit or loss Net interest income Net fee and commission income Investment income Other income Total income 1 2 0 0 0 0 -70 -9 -69 -6 Expenses excl. regulatory costs 4 6 Regulatory costs 0 0 Operating expenses 4 6 Gross result -73 -12 Addition to loan loss provisions 0 0 Result before tax -73 -13 Taxation -6 1 Net result -68 -14 19
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