Investor Presentaiton
As part of the climate
agenda, Citrosuco maintains
its commitment to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions
through an energy matrix
that includes 60% renewable
energy, according to 2020 data,
primarily biomass and wind
power, the latter in partnership
with Votorantim Energia.
In addition, the company
improved its CDP (Carbon
Disclosure Project) rating to
B, which places it above the
global average of the food and
beverage segment.
Citrosuco invested more
than R$2 million in positive
intervention projects in the
areas of education, public
health, and citizenship in
partnerships with local
communities, governments,
social organizations, and others.
The company made progress in
the area of diversity, equality,
and inclusion by forming
affinity groups with the goal
of identifying opportunities to
promote an increasingly diverse
work environment. Citrosuco
also revamped its early career
programs, such as the Semear
(Sowing) internship program-in
2021, 34% of the approved
candidates were Black.
Also, as part of its business
strategy, Citrosuco leads and
supports the value chain of
orange producers and suppliers.
The Trilhar (Making a Path)
program, an initiative that
guides social and environmental
practices in partnership with
the supply chain, was intensified
despite the challenges
presented by the pandemic.
Through the program, Citrosuco
started to assess the properties
of its partners and to work with
them to plan the necessary
improvements for responsible
production. The company
also increased its volume of
sustainable supply, as attested
by its SAI Platform certification,
with approximately 70% of
its production certified as
sustainable. This important
achievement confirms the
public commitment Citrosuco
made as part of the Sustainable
Juice Covenant (SJC), the
largest global initiative in the
value chain to ensure that
100% of fruit supply is certified
by 2030.
To strengthen the management
of its 2030 strategy and
commitments, Citrosuco
created an ESG Committee,
made up of managers
representing the company's
entire value chain who are
responsible for fostering the
necessary transformations
to meet its commitments
by engaging customers,
suppliers, local communities,
and employees. As part of
the execution of this strategy,
the company also linked the
variable compensation of the
entire Executive Board and
eligible leaders to ESG targets
to accelerate the generation of
shared value for the company
and society.
Citrosuco's results and
initiatives are aligned with its
purpose of "Nourishing life,
living a legacy" and reflect
its readiness to address the
increasingly strict demands of
the global food market in line
with the evolution of social and
environmental practices.
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