FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary slide image

FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary

2019 Proviso Requests Proviso # in FY 18- 19 Act 85.1. Transportation and Regulatory Subcommittee Proviso Request Summary FY 2019-20 Agency Recommended Action (keep, change, delete, add) Proviso Title Short Summary (IBB: Board Meeting Coverage) Requires live-streaming, recording, and archival of Board meetings on website. Keep Keep 88.1. 108.1. (SPA: Charleston Cooper River SPA Must pay STIB one million before Bridge Project) (PEBA: Lottery, Infrastructure Bank, and Magistrates Health Insurance) June 30, 2019 for Cooper River Bridge Project. Payments continue until 2027. Members are eligible to participate in the Keep State Health and Dental Insurance Plan, upon paying the full premium costs as determined by the Public Employee Benefit Authority. 7
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