Tanzania Agriculture Overview slide image

Tanzania Agriculture Overview

Section 3: Investment plan & opportunities FIAT PANIS Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Hand-in-Hand Initiative ASDP II Objective Transform the agricultural sector towards higher productivity, commercialization level and smallholder farmer income for improved livelihood, food security and nutrition. Component 1: Sustainable Water and Land Use Management Objective - Expanded sustainable water and land use management for crops, livestock and fisheries https://asdp.kilimo.go.tz/ Component 2: Enhanced Agricultural productivity and Profitability Objective - Increased productivity growth rate for commercial market- oriented agriculture for priority commodities Component 3: Commercialization and Value Addition Objective - Improved & expanded rural marketing and value addition promoted by a thriving competitive private sector and effective farmer organizations Objective 4: Sector Enablers, Coordination and M&E Objective - Strengthened institutions, enablers and coordination framework 10-year Development Budget: Approx. USD 1.4 billion Hand-in-Hand Initiative Contributes Government Contributes
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