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Investor Presentaiton

How Can we Better Promote / Market Puerto Rico? (Location Advisors) Telling specific success stories - (1) who has moved to or expanded in Puerto Rico and how are they doing; (2) how have companies weathered natural disasters - earthquake, hurricane, etc. Publicize the cost advantages and breadth/depth of talent pool. Have a data rich website. Generate public relations in social media and general media. Highlight business success stories. Sponsorships at site selection and trade industry shows. Marketing trips to visit site consultants and companies. More pro-active outreach digitally, visits to major markets and attendance at site selector events There used to be much more direct outreach to companies and consultants. My first trip to PR was an inbound marketing trip arranged by the economic development team. I feel that has really fallen off in recent years. Direct outreach to decision makers in target industries. direct outreach to site selectors that focus on your target industries. relationship building and work toward dissipating negative perceptions of the island
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