Tanzania Agriculture Overview slide image

Tanzania Agriculture Overview

Enabling environment: Investment Policies and Regulations Land Tenure and Property Rights Political Stability and Legal Framework Access to Finance and Investment Incentives Agricultural Sector Investments PANIS Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Hand-in-Hand Initiative Clear and transparent foreign investment policies that provide protection for foreign investors and ensure fair treatment. • Well-defined procedures for establishing and registering foreign-owned agribusinesses. Secure land tenure systems that allow for long-term leases for foreign investors. Transparent and efficient land acquisition processes with safeguards against land disputes. Stable political environment that minimize investment risks. Strong legal framework to enforce contracts and resolve disputes, including access to international arbitration. Availability of financing options for foreign investors, including access to local and international financing sources. Investment incentives such as tax breaks, duty exemptions, and grants specifically targeted at foreign agricultural investors. • Drilling of 67,850 irrigation wells, each for 16 farmers and free provision of irrigation kit for 2.5 acres targeting a total of 2,714,000 acres. Program for strengthening extension services • Government's subsidy program on increased access and use of fertilizers
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