Investor Presentaiton
Result 1: Generated Cutting-edge Evidence for Food
Systems Strengthening
The UN assessed food systems in Eswatini and identified
gaps and opportunities in the agro-food systems value
chains. This resulted in the comprehensive review of
12 agricultural development plans to integrate climate
smart initiatives for improved food security; and
recognition and registration of two value chain and
commodity associations by the Government of Eswatini
to promote and optimise efforts, eliminate waste and
improve profitability. Three (3) Technical Cooperation
Projects designed to support and strengthen agro-food
systems and Phase one draft of the irrigation masterplan
was completed in 2022. Furthermore, the assessment
fast tracked the commitment and establishment of
the Agricultural Development Fund; with a government
financial injection of USD 277,777. On the other hand,
approximately 68,000 received cash transfers and 220
people living with HIV supported with starter packs for
livelihoods. To achieve Zero hunger while improving
nutrition, the UN has targeted and provided assistance
to vulnerable groups (women, children, elderly) in the
rural and peri-urban areas with food assistance and
cash-based transfer. Through the Home-grown School
feeding project, the UN has continued to support the
procurement of food commodities from smallholder
maize and beans farmers to contribute to poverty
reduction in rural areas. The UN has targeted different
vulnerable and marginalised groups such as key
population, PLHIV, women and youth with livelihood
Result 2: Improved Productive Employment and
Decent Work
With UN technical and financial support, three key
initiatives were achieved to improve productive
employment and decent work in the Kingdom of Eswatini:
(a) The first ever bipartite dialogue held between the
Trade Union Congress of Eswatini (TUCOSWA) and
Business Eswatini (BE) on threats to existing and new
jobs, led to the proposal for the establishment of a
Workers Compensation Fund. (b) A multistakeholder
review of the current system of work injury claims
administered on the principle of employer liability
led to a proposed conversion of Eswatini National
Provident Fund to a National Pension Fund. (c) A
diagnostic assessment was commissioned to examine
the incidence and forms of informality and decent
work deficits in homework arrangements in Eswatini,
with the aim to generate policy recommendations to
improve the livelihoods of homebased workers.
Result 3: Initiated Child-Sensitive Social Protection
In 2022, the UN initiated the first ever child-sensitive
national social protection system by convening over
60 multidisciplinary and international stakeholders,
including government, CSOS, UN agencies, IFIs, and
development donors. The deliberations were informed
by regional lessons from South Africa and Lesotho in
the area of national development of child grants, and
World Bank's global development of adaptive social
protection systems. Meanwhile, access to nutritious
food was enhanced for 59,000 orphan and vulnerable
children (OVC) who received food assistance through
1,700 neighbourhood care points.
Result 4: Strengthened Evidence based National
Sustainable Development
Three major catastrophic events, including the COVID-19
pandemic, tropical cyclone storm and sequential civil
unrest, led to unquantifiable loss of life, destruction
of infrastructure, and loss of production inputs and
outputs. The UN, in collaboration with the Ministry
of Economic Planning and Development, supported
Eswatini to review the National Development Plan
(NDP) for 2023/24 - 2027/28, to provide an aggregate
quantification of losses of production output, property
and other infrastructure. The report is an empirical one-
stop summary analysis for climate shocks, cash flow
issues and other external shocks.
Under the African Union Agenda 2063, the First Ten-
Years Implementation Plan (FTYIP) [2014 to 2023]
outlines a set of goals, priority areas and targets and
15 flagship projects that the continent aims to deliver
at national, regional, and continental levels. The UN,
in collaboration with AUDA-NEPAD, commissioned the
review of the FTYIP to assess the extent in which the
Agenda 2063 has been implemented. The Ministry of
Economic Planning and Development has completed
the review of progress of the first TYIP.
The UN also supported review of the National Population
Policy and drafting of the 2022 Vulnerability and
Integrated Phase Classification assessment report to
inform national development policy and programming.
Result 5: Coordinated National Sustainable
Development Goals Reporting
The UN supported the Kingdom of Eswatini to prepare
its 2022 Voluntary National Review (VNR) report.
The process enabled the Kingdom to take stock of
implementation progress of all 17 SDGs, reflect on the
efforts still needed as well as share experiences thus
The UN, in collaboration with government, private sector
and civil society, has launched the Eswatini Investor
Map on SDG-enabling investment opportunities and
conditions in target markets and sectors. The Map
has identified six sectors which are: (1) Food and
Beverage, (2) Renewable Resources and Alternative
Energy, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Financials, (5) Healthcare,
and (6) Education. Out of these prioritized sectors, 14
investment opportunities were identified. The Map
provides investors with relevant market intelligence for
highlighted investment opportunity areas along with
data on the expected development impact and financial
prospects of such investments.
In 2022, the UN has continued to support 1500
Neighbourhood Care Points (NCP) with nutrition
sensitive meals for 55,000 children under 5 years and
has continued to support government through the
Deputy Prime Minister's Office with reviewing the NCP
strategy which is aimed to improve management of the
NCPs in Eswatini. Through the Home-Grown School
Feeding, the UN has continued to support 23,000 school
going children in 50 schools with nutrition sensitive
Result 6: Improved Youth Empowerment and
The UN incollaboration with the Ministry of Sports Culture
and Youth Affairs (MOSCYA) and Ministry of Labour and
Social Security (MOLSS) successfully designed and
launched the Eswatini Youth Empowerment Programme
(EYEP). The objective of the Youth Fellowship
Programme is to reduce youth unemployment by 50%
by 2025 through connecting young talented graduates
with local job opportunities, and empowering non-
graduates with digital, entrepreneurship and artisan
skills to create jobs for themselves and contribute to the
socio-economic development of Eswatini. The ultimate
aim of the programme is to absorb the 4,000 graduates
coming out of the various tertiary institutions annually,
through a 12-months learn to earn volunteerism model,
whilst giving non-graduate youth the opportunity to
choose from a number of marketable skills, including
digital skills, renewable energy skills, artisan skills and
an entrepreneurship support programme.
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