FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation
Regis Healthcare Limited | FY23 Full-Year Results Presentation
Other Matters
Potential Employee Entitlement Underpayments
As previously reported, Regis announced to the ASX on 9 August 2021 that it had identified potential underpayments of
employee entitlements to certain current and former employees under its enterprise agreements. These payment shortfalls
had arisen because some employee entitlements due under various enterprise agreements were recorded inaccurately in the
payroll system. This has led to incorrect payments to a number of employees.
Regis, with the assistance of external advisors, continues to determine the extent of the underpayments. Based on additional
analysis undertaken during the period, Regis has maintained a provision of $37.7 million at 30 June 2023.
Expect remediation to occur in H1 FY24
Independent Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality
and Safety Commission (ACQSC)
Review commissioned to ensure that the aged care
sector has a fit for purpose regulator, able to uphold the
rights and standards of best practice for older Australians
Report is published as part of the Government's
commitment to transparency and accountability in the
sector and the importance of the capability review in
supporting the Government's aged care reform journey
Government's Aged Care Taskforce
Chaired by Minister for Aged Care with
members from the sector including unions,
advisors and public sector
Build on Royal Commission into Aged Care
Quality and Safety recommendations
Review funding arrangements for aged care
Develop options for a system that is fair and
equitable for everyone in Australia
Interim advice expected in October 2023
and final report December 2023
Taskforce will provide Government with options for
Consideration and a Recommended Package of Reforms that
ensure that:
Aged care providers are sustainably funded and benefit from
introducing innovative care delivery approaches that meet
older Australians' preferences
Aged care funding is affordable for the Commonwealth with
arrangements that balance equity and fairness between older
and working-aged Australians
Older Australians can see the value of their contributions
relative to other funding sources
There is a robust safety net that properly recognises financial
capacity at different levels of income and/or life circumstances
Contribution arrangements are efficient, simple to implement,
and easily understood by all Australians, particularly older
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Regis Shenley Manor, Victoria
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