2Q 2023 Investor Presentation
The Benefits
of a Moody's
Investors seek Moody's
opinions and
particularly value the
knowledge of its
analysts and the depth
of Moody's research
Access to capital
» Moody's opinions on credit are used
by institutional investors throughout
the world, making an issuer's debt
potentially more attractive to a
wide range of buyers
» A Moody's rating may facilitate
access to both domestic and
international debt capital
Transparency, credit
comparison and market
» Signals transparency by issuers
and provides market participants
with an independent assessment
against which to compare
» Moody's ratings and research
reports may help to maintain
investor confidence, especially
during periods of market stress
Responsive to investor
» Moody's is identified as the
agency that best meets future
needs for more than half its users
1. 2021 Moody's Investor Perception Study.
2. Based on an independent study performed by BDO in
June 2022 on a snapshot of data from January 31, 2022,
which shows that a five-year $500M bond with a Moody's
credit rating (when rated at the same level as S&P and/or
Fitch) has an -13% lower Option Adjusted Spread
(OAS), which results in a savings of ~65 basis points per
year. The study only applied to corporate bonds and not
to sovereign/quasi-sovereign/municipal or structured
finance bonds. Many factors go into the pricing of a bond.
OAS is the measurement of the credit spread of a fixed-
income security rate and the risk-free rate of return
(Treasury yields), adjusted for embedded options.
3. 2022 Moody's Global Intermediary Study conducted by
Planning and budgeting
» Moody's research and analytics may help issuers
when formulating internal capital plans and funding strategies
» An independent study has shown that adding a Moody's credit
rating may lead to a reduction in borrowing costs²
Analytical capabilities
» Moody's is held in high regard and responsiveness
among global ratings advisors, given analysts'
seniority and expertise, and their willingness to
have a dialogue around a credit ³
Decode Risk. Unlock Opportunity.
2Q 2023 Investor Presentation
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