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Earnings & Dividend Growth Presentation

CARIBBEAN & CENTRAL AMERICA, AND ASIA Strong contribution from efficient C&CA region and portfolio investments in Asia Caribbean & Central America 。 Well-established, diversified franchise that serves more than 15 million retail, corporate, and commercial customers 。 Largest bank in the region, with significant presence in Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Barbados, Puerto Rico, and 13 other countries ○ Industry expertise in infrastructure, power, automotive, fuel distribution, real estate, and hospitality 。 Mature market and remains very profitable for the Bank Opportunity to optimize operations, improve customer profitability and reduce structural cost Recognized by Euromoney for the "Best Commercial Banking" capabilities in the Caribbean and Bahamas (2017) ○ Recognized by Global Finance Magazine for the "Best Bank Award 2017" in the Bahamas, Barbados, Costa Rica, Turks & Caicos and U.S. Virgin Islands; the "World's Best Consumer Digital Bank 2017" in 24 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean; and the "Best in Mobile Banking" in the region ⚫ Asia ○ Strategic portfolio investments in Asia-Pacific ○ Thailand (49%) - Invested in Thanachart Bank in 2007 $2.8 billion carrying value as of January 31, 2018 $508 million of net income for twelve months ended October 31, 2017 China (19.9%) - Invested in Bank of Xi'an in 2009 $727 million carrying value as of January 31, 2018 ○ $411 million of net income for twelve months ended October 31, 2017 Scotiabank® | 64
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