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Investor Presentaiton

Profile of Cancer and Related Health Indicators in the North East Region of India higher than female prevalence (11.5%). A higher proportion of males (21.4%) have raised blood pressure than females (18.7%). The prevalence of raised blood glucose is 9.5% in women and 13.9% in men. 5.3 Mortality related statistics Life expectancy (2016) [5] Males Females Leading causes of death (MCCD 2018) [6] Major Cause Group Circulatory System Respiratory System Certain Infectious & Parasitic Diseases Neoplasms Certain Conditions originating in Perinatal Period 66.8 years 72.4 years Percentage 21.1 10.0 11.2 11.6 8.4 Status of Medical certification of cause of death [6] Percentage of Medically Certified Deaths to Total Registered Deaths (%) 43.1 Medical Institutions covered under MCCD Medical Institutions Reported MCCD Data as per the National List 170 170 Ranking of States/UTS in the medical certification of cause of death 2018 12 The life expectancy is marginally higher in females (72.4 years) than males (66.8 years). Circulatory system related causes comprise the leading cause of death (21.1%). The percentage of medically certified deaths to total registered deaths is 43.1%. The state ranks twelfth in the medical certification of cause of death. 83 ICMR National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research 10 Since 2011 icm NCDIR
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