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Investor Presentaiton

Duration profile ASSET MIX EFFECTIVE DURATION PROFILE 63 -41% of assets with duration Tax-Exempt Loans, 3% Long Duration Loans, 15% Mortgage Residential Duration Long Medium to Available- For-Sale Securities, 23% Medium Duration REIT Loans, 4% 9% CRE Loans*, C&I Loans, 23% No Duration SBL and Other Loans, 18% Note: As of March 31, 2022. Percentages shown are as a percent of total Raymond James Bank assets. Total will not equal 100% due to Cash and Other Assets and Loans Held for Sale being excluded from pie chart. Effective duration is measured as a percent change in price for every 1% change in rates. Medium duration equals 2- 4%, medium to long duration equals 4-6% and long duration equals over 6%. *Includes CRE construction loans and CRE loans. RAYMOND JAMES
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