Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA slide image

Celebrating 10 Years at BM&FBOVESPA

2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Shareholders and investors G4-9 OWNERSHIP PROFILE Lojas Renner S.A. was the first Brazilian corporation and has 100% of its shares traded on the Stock Exchange, and has a dialogue channel - the Investor Relations Department (IR) - in order to reach investors and provide information on the Company's business, giving transparency to its decision-making process. The Company's Capital Stock consists of 640,041,325 common shares traded for ten years on the BM&FBOVESPA's Novo Mercado segment under the LREN3 code. Shareholding structure at the end of 2015 59% 15% Associates, Inc. J.P. Morgan Asset 7% 5% de Rec. Ltda. Aberdeen Asset 14% Managemet PLC Other T. Rowe Price Management H. Inc. Dynamo Adm. RELATIONSHIP In order to ensure access and transparency of relations, the agenda and routine of this area is intense. The IR website is dedicated to investors and shareholders and is always updated with information disclosed to the market. In-person-presentations to the market are held by the Company's leaders - such as the quarterly results conference calls, roadshows, the public meeting in partnership with the Brazilian Capital Markets Association of Investment Analysts and Professionals (Apimec). The Renner Day is a meeting with market analysts, investors, Lojas Renner's IR team and the Board of Executive Officers: the event is annual and, in Brazil, the Company's Annual Report is presented. 2015 INVESTOR RELATIONSHIP PROGRAM 2,500 SHARE PERFORMANCE At the end of 2015, the Company's shares were priced at R$ 17.10 - reaching a market capitalization of R$ 10.9 billion and had an annual appreciation of 13.8%, versus Ibovespa's theoretical portfolio, which depreciated 13.3% in the same period. In the last 10 years, since July 2005, the Company's shares have appreciated 1,386.9% (adjusted by corporate events). In the year, 1.4 million trades were recorded, with 990.9 million shares traded and average daily trading volume of R$ 75.6 million. The increasing volumes also reflected the effects of the stock split, held in September 2015, in the proportion of five new shares for each existing share, which allowed greater access to individual investors and significant increase in the liquidity of the shares, making the Company go from the 36th position in December 2014 to the 23rd position at the end of 2015, in the Exchange's negotiability ranking. NUMBER OF ASSISTANCES: Phone: 933 consultations E-mail: 989 consultations Total: 1,922 assistances MEETINGS AND PARTICIPATION IN EVENTS: NDRS and Conferences: 16 events Presentations: 15 Total meetings: 230 meetings Public reached: 1,302 people HOLDING OF THE FIRST RENNER DAY ABROAD: (NY and London): 80 investors 120 people attended in Brazil JUL-05 NOV-05 MAR-06 JUL-06 90-ΛΟΝ MAR-07 JUL-07 NOV-07 MAR-08 JUL-08 NOV-08 MAR-09 JUL-09 NOV-09 MAR-10 JUL-10 NOV-10 MAR-11 JUL-11 NOV-11 MAR-12 JUL-12 NOV-12 MAR-13 JUL-13 NOV-13 MAR-14 JUL-14 NOV-14 MAR-15 JUL-15 LREN3 +1,386.9% IBOV +71.3% NOV-15 DEC-15 MAILING LIST: Users registered: 3,562 names E-mails sent: 223,797 messages CONFERENCE CALLS (in Portuguese with English translation): Results calls: 4 934 participants (average of 238 per event) COVERAGE LEVEL: 26 institutions TOTAL REACH: 4,178 PEOPLE 79 capital
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