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Investor Presentaiton

ALL SaaS ARR*1 Reached ¥9.7 Billion Group SaaS ARR grew 40% YoY. ARR for corporate customers in Business domain grew 50% YoY. YOY +40% 13 (\mn) Home Premium Charges Business Sole Proprietor Business Corporates X Recurring Revenue (YoY) 10,000 R&AC Co.,Ltd. which provides V-ONE Cloud joined the Group 9,702 9,018 +20% 664 8,252 627 8,000 Smartcamp Co., Ltd. which provides BOXIL joined the Group 7,681 587 6,702 6,913 562 6,000 Knowledge Labo, Inc. which provides 5,857 Manageboard joined the Group 6,220 556 472 435 +50% Klavis Inc. which provides STREAMED joined the Group 411 6,342 4,855 5,948 4,572 5,381 4,093 381 3,857 4,914 340 4,000 3,494 4,160 4,237 319 3,162 328 3,594 3.827 2,668 336 2,118 2,331 318 2,708 2,909 300 1,734 2,214 2,383 265 2,000 225 1,949 1,768 1,040 +24% 202 1,395 1,080 1,228 814 818 855 836 836 857 936 871 197 267 294 314 357 425 450 472 514 570 463 547 545 659 718 784 866 920 1,010 995 1,037 1,139 1,215 1,285 1,369 1,428 1,506 1,656 +29% 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 10 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 FY11/17 FY11/18 FY11/19 FY11/20 Q4 Q1 Q2 | FY11/21 * SaaS ARR is 12 times of the SaaS MRR of the last month of each fiscal year. “Business Sole Proprietor" is revenue from services for sole proprietors in Money Forward Cloud. "Business Corporates" is revenue from services for corporates including Money Forward Cloud, STREAMED, Manageboard, V-ONE Cloud, and Money Forward Certified Membership. In order to adjust for seasonal factors of STREAMED, its MRR is calculated as one-third of the billing revenue of STREAMED in Q1 of each fiscal year. Non-recurring revenue of each business and net sales of Smartcamp are not included. * For the definition of ARR and MRR, see page 70.
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