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Investor Presentaiton

Notes (III) P.47 Corporate philosophy and policy (Note 1) Refers to retail properties, logistics facilities and related facilities. Retail properties refer to facilities containing retail businesses and other merchandising businesses, entertainment and amusement facilities and other facilities that attract customers (including parking lots and equipment and systems for logistics). Logistics facilities refer to warehouses and other storage facilities for the distribution and transport of merchandise and other goods. (Note 2) Refers to the group comprised of the holding company AEON CO., LTD. And its 301 consolidated subsidiaries and 27 equity-method associates (as of Feb. 28, 2023). P.48 Portfolio policy (Note 1) Calculated based on acquisition prices. (Note 2) Indicates such as Malaysia in the ASEAN region and China. (Note 3) ASEAN indicates Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. P.50 Properties owned by AEON REIT (As of Jul. 31, 2023) (Note) The number of properties is calculated including AEON MALL SEREMBAN 2, which AEON REIT owns through the Overseas SPC.. P.53 Transition of Property Tax Benefit from asset acquisition (Note) The "DPU excluding Property Tax Benefit" is a figure excluding the amount of "Property Tax Benefit" from actual DPU and partly include dividend reserve. The "DPU excluding Property Tax Benefit " for the period ending July 31, 2023 (21st FP) and January 31, 2024 (22nd FP) are the amount deducting the figure calculated by dividing Property Tax Benefit by the number of investment units outstanding from actual DPU. "DPU excluding Property Tax Benefit" is forecast figure anticipated by AEON REIT Investment Corporation as of the publication date of this document, which is not an indicator specified by generally accepted corporate accounting standards, nor has it been audited by an accounting auditor. The estimated amount should not be considered as a substitute for other indicators presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. AEON REIT Investment Corporation does not guarantee or promise its achievement. P.54 Overview of overseas properties (Note 1) Created by the Asset Management Company based on the information listed in "Annual Report 2022" issued by AEON Malaysia. (Note 2) Created by the Asset Management Company based on the information listed in "World Economic Outlook Databases" issued by IMF. (Note 3) Created by the Asset Management Company based on the information listed in "World Economic Outlook Databases" issued by IMF. (The data in 2000 is set as 100.) P.58 About AEON Group (2/3) ~Overview of the AEON Group~ (Note 1) Created by the Asset Management Company based on information on "AEON 2023-2024" uploaded on websites of AEON Co., Ltd (Note 2) Mentioned based on the securities report dated May 29, 2023 of AEON Co., Ltd. (Note 3) Created by the Asset Management Company based on the sales data of each company in 2021. P.59 About AEON Group (3/3) ~ Major large-scale retail properties (including facilities under development) ~ (Note 1) Prepared by the Asset Management Company based on the information provided by AEON CO., LTD. and AEON MALL Co., Ltd. (as of Jul. 2023). (Note 2) AEON REIT neither owns nor plans to acquire any of these properties as of now. ÆON REIT Investment Corporation 60 50
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