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Investor Highlights

Our Firm Lazard's mission is to provide trusted financial advice and investment solutions to our clients. We have built a global network of relationships with key decision makers in business, government and investing institutions. We operate as a local firm in local markets and serve clients with our multinational resources and global perspective. Global Offices 40 Cities | Countries 25 FOUNDED NYSE LISTED 1848 2005 NEW YORK LONDON PARIS AMSTERDAM BUENOS AIRES CHARLOTTE CHICAGO HONG KONG HOUSTON LOS ANGELES MONTREAL NANTES MINNEAPOLIS SÃO PAULO SEOUL SINGAPORE BEIJING BOGOTÁ BORDEAUX BOSTON BRUSSELS DUBAI DUBLIN FRANKFURT GENEVA HAMBURG MEXICO CITY MILAN LYON MADRID MELBOURNE PANAMA CITY RIYADH SAN FRANCISCO SANTIAGO STOCKHOLM SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTO ZÜRICH 170+ Years Serving Clients LAZARD $2.52bn FY Operating Revenue As of December 31, 2020 $259bn ~3,100 Assets Under Management Employees 2
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