Nu Skin Anti-Aging Solutions slide image

Nu Skin Anti-Aging Solutions

LET'S DO THE MATH (SCENARIO #2) . Let's change a couple of these assumptions. • Assume the target for retirement income is $10,000 a month. SLIDE 6 • • And although we have absolutely no control over the inflation rate, let's move this factor to just 4%. Let's also be more realistic and say that after tax return on investment is 2%, which for the past decade plus has been about all one could get. When you do the math with this reality, the amount of required savings jumps up to $6,807 a month-of SAVINGS. LET'S DO THE MATH T MONTHLY INCOME during men Myment ASSETS (not including home YEARS you want to WORK Estimated LIFESPAN after retirement 5 INFLATION A Tax RETURN ON INVESTMENT 7 LEGACY TARGET to h MONTHLY SAVINGS necessary to achieve target NOTES $10,000 $150,000 15 20 4% 2% $150,000 $6,807
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