Market-Defining and Diversified Innovations Driving Value Creation slide image

Market-Defining and Diversified Innovations Driving Value Creation

CSG Performance: Delivering Robust, Sustained, Above-Market Growth FY22 Highlights Revenue and Operating Margin 3-year revenue CAGR: ~6%2 Operating margin: +510 bps² +8% 28.5% $3,803 $3,523 YoY revenue growth Operating margin $3,177 $3,132 $1.1B Operating income +16% YoY operating income growth $15B Served addressable market (-25% share) 4-6% Long-term market growth rate1 ✔ KEYSIGHT 1. Per company estimates; 2. FY19-FY22 26.5% 24.7% 23.4% FY19 FY20 Revenue ($M) FY21 OM% Communications Solutions for Diverse, Growing Key End Markets Global talent pool with >2,000 engineers REVENUE 28.5% FY22 O Commercial Communications ~70% Aerospace, Defense, and Government -30% 39
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