Westpac Financial Performance Update slide image

Westpac Financial Performance Update

14 | Conditions remain challenging for dairy sector • Global dairy prices have fallen around 20% over the last year Prices have been weighed down by lacklustre demand from China and strong growth in global supply, especially out of Europe Westpac expect the sustained period of lower prices will eventually lead to slower growth in global milk supply. However, this is taking some time. Westpac payout forecasts assume dairy prices remain around current levels until late 2016 before gradually starting to improve While dairy prices remain in the doldrums, prices for some of New Zealand's other agricultural commodity exports have been holding up better. In particular horticulture, beef and wine sectors have been doing well due to decent demand conditions in advanced economies as well as a lower NZ dollar Dairy payout and dividend¹ $10 Kg Ms $8 $6 $4 EA LA LA 69 $2 $0 ■Dividend ■Milk price Kg Ms $10 Westpac forecast $8 $6 - $4 $2 $0 NZ export commodity price index (NZD) 250 Indexed to 100 Jan 2000 Indexed to $/KgMs 100 Jan 2000 250 $9 Source: Westpac Economics Break-even dairy payout Average Break-even effective payout --Fonterra Payout (including dividends) $/KgMs Westpac $9 forecast $8 $8 200 200 $7 $7 $6 $6 150 150 $5 $5 $4 $4 100 100 $3 $3 50 $2 $2 50 Meat, Skins and Wool Horticultural Products - Dairy Products Seafood 50 $1 $1 0 0 $0 $0 Jan-00 Feb-02 Mar-04 Apr-06 May-08 Jun-10 Jul-12 Aug-14 Source: ANZ, Westpac 1 Westpac NZ Economics forecast (ex dividend), Fonterra forecast is $3.90/kg. 2 Seasons ended May. 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 Source: RBNZ, DairyNZ, Westpac, Fonterra PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
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