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Investor Presentaiton

TMK- Global Supplier of Full Range of Pipes for Oil and Gas Industry One of the largest steel pipe producers globally TMK sales by region(a) (12M 2019, revenue) TMK sales by product(a) (12M 2019, in tonnes) TMK USA 2 sales offices MANAGEMENT O PRODUCTION SALES OIL AND GAS SERVICES RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Russia segment CIS; 8% ME, Asia and Africa; 2% (Russia & Kazakhstan): 12 production facilities Pipe production capacity: 4,591kt p.a. 2 R&D centres Europe; 10% Industrial pipe; 21% Americas; 22% Russia; 58% Russia Key financial indicators (a) Oil & Gas = 79% OCTG; 46% Line pipe; 20% LD pipe; 12% Kazakhstan US$ mln RUB mln Europe segment (Romania): 2 production facilities 2017 2018 2019 2018 2019 Revenue 4,394 5,099 4,767 319,399 308,378 • Pipe production capacity: 220Kt p.a. Adj. EBITDA (b) 605 700 688 44,052 Margin (%) 14% 14% 14% 14% 44,138 14% Operating FCF(c) 372 427 469 26,877 29,955 Key operating indicators(a) 2017 2018 2019 Pipe sales (kt) 3,784 3,989 3,828 Net Profit (Loss) Net Debt 30 (0) 66 2,142 3,946 2,688 2,437 2,503 169,233 151,718 Source: TMK data Notes: (a) annual results include IPSCO (discontinued operations). For detailed breakdown of key financial metrics for continued and discontinued operations please refer to Appendix and TMK financial statements (b) Adjusted EBITDA for PAO TMK represents profit/(loss) for the period excluding finance costs and finance income, income tax (benefit)/expense, depreciation and amortisation, foreign exchange (gain)/loss, impairment/ (reversal of impairment) of non-current assets, movements in allowances and provisions (except for provisions for bonuses), (gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, (gain)/loss on changes in fair value of financial instruments, share of (profit)/loss of associates and other non-cash, non-recurring and unusual items (c) Operating FCF calculated as Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX TMK 3
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