Portfolio Transformation Strategy
Strong balance sheet provides pathway for measured growth with potential for further diversification and optimization of the portfolio
Target long term net leverage ratio of ~30 - 35% while maintaining patient and opportunistic approach to acquisitions and development
Long term leverage target fully reflected in current credit ratings from Moody's and DBRS
Incremental Net Debt Capacity
Net Leverage Ratio
Incremental Debt
Capital ($M)
23% (current)
Rating Agency Commentary
Moody's 03/13/2020: Baa2 (Stable)
"The rating reflects the REIT's commitment to maintaining a conservative capital structure, with
moderate long-term target leverage of debt/total assets under 35% and fully unencumbered asset
base, as the REIT executes its strategic growth plan and portfolio transformation. The ratings are
further supported by Granite's good liquidity and long-term net-lease contracts with minimal rollover
that result in stable earnings year over year. A ratings upgrade would be contingent upon achieving
greater tenant diversification with Magna comprising less than 40% of Granite's total revenues, net
debt/EBITDA closer to 5.5x, fixed charge coverage above 4.0x and secured debt % gross assets at or
below 10%."
DBRS Morningstar 03/25/2020: BBB (Stable)
"The Stable rating outlook takes into consideration Granite's continued strong progress toward
executing its strategic initiatives in 2019, including investing $960.4 million into acquisitions of modern
assets in key e-commerce and distribution markets, with further contractual commitments of $129.5
million to close in 2020 and 2021 and two equity-bought deal offerings to partially fund
aforementioned growth capital expenditures ($525 million combined gross proceeds); improving tenant
and property diversification as Magna exposure is reduced to 42% of annualized rental revenue
through a combination of growth and dispositions resulting in reduced tenant and property
concentration; and DBRS Morningstar's expectation that total debt-to-EBITDA will be in the 6 times (x)
range through 2021"
Commitment to maintaining a sustainable investment grade rating and conservative capital structure
Where applicable, figures include the acquisition of a property subsequent to March 31, 2020 in Weert, Netherlands.
May 2020
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