Investor Presentaiton
Non-IFRS measures
This presentation contains financial measures not prepared in accordance with IFRS. These measures are referred to as "non-IFRS" measures and include: non-IFRS service revenue, non-IFRS EBITDA, and non-
IFRS Capex, among others defined below. Annual growth rates for these non-IFRS measures are often expressed in organic constant currency terms to exclude the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates,
the adoption of new accounting standards, and are proforma for material changes in perimeter due to acquisitions and divestitures.
The non-IFRS financial measures are presented in this press release as Millicom's management believes they provide investors with an additional information for the analysis of Millicom's results of operations,
particularly in evaluating performance from one period to another. Millicom's management uses non-IFRS financial measures to make operating decisions, as they facilitate additional internal comparisons of
Millicom's performance to historical results and to competitors' results, and provides them to investors as a supplement to Millicom's reported results to provide additional insight into Millicom's operating
performance. Millicom's Remuneration Committee uses certain non-IFRS measures when assessing the performance and compensation of employees, including Millicom's executive directors. The non-IFRS
financial measures used by Millicom may be calculated differently from, and therefore may not be comparable to, similarly titled measures used by other companies - refer to the section "Non-IFRS Financial
Measure Descriptions" for additional information. In addition, these non-IFRS measures should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for, or as superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with
IFRS, and Millicom's financial results calculated in accordance with IFRS and reconciliations to those financial statements should be carefully evaluated.
Non-IFRS Financial Measure Descriptions
Service revenue is revenue related to the provision of ongoing services such as monthly subscription fees, airtime and data usage fees, interconnection fees, roaming fees, mobile finance service commissions
and fees from other telecommunications services such as data services, short message services, installation fees and other value-added services excluding telephone and equipment sales.
EBITDA is operating profit excluding impairment losses, depreciation and amortization, and gains/losses on fixed asset disposals. In respect of the segments Latam or Africa it is shown after the allocation of
Corporate Costs and inter-company eliminations.
EBITDA after Leases ('EBITDAAL') represents EBITDA excluding lease interest and principal repayments.
EBITDA Margin represents EBITDA in relation to Revenue.
Proportionate EBITDA is the sum of the EBITDA in every country where Millicom operates, including its Guatemala and Honduras joint ventures, pro rata for Millicom's ownership stake in each country.
Organic growth represents year-on-year growth excluding the impact of changes in FX rates, perimeter, and accounting. Changes in perimeter are the result of acquisitions and divestitures. Results from
divested assets are immediately removed from both periods, whereas the results from acquired assets are included in both periods at the beginning (January 1) of the first full calendar year of ownership.
Net debt is Debt and financial liabilities less cash and pledged deposits.
Net financial obligations is Net debt plus lease liabilities.
Proportionate financial obligations is the sum of the net financial obligations in every country where Millicom operates, including its Guatemala and Honduras joint ventures, pro rata for Millicom's ownership
stake in each country.
Leverage is the ratio of net financial obligations over LTM (last twelve month) EBITDA, proforma for acquisitions made during the last twelve months.
Leverage after leases is the ratio of net debt over LTM (last twelve month) EBITDA after leases, proforma for acquisitions made during the last twelve months.
Proportionate leverage is the ratio of proportionate net financial obligations over LTM proportionate EBITDA, proforma for acquisitions made during the last twelve months.
Proportionate leverage after leases is the ratio of proportionate net debt over LTM (Last twelve month) EBITDA after leases, proforma for acquisitions made during the last twelve months.
Capex is balance sheet capital expenditure excluding spectrum and license costs and lease capitalizations.
Cash Capex represents the cash spent in relation to capital expenditure, excluding spectrum and licenses costs.
Operating Cash Flow (OCF) is EBITDA less Capex.
Operating Free Cash Flow (OFCF) is OCF less changes in working capital and other non-cash items and taxes paid.
Equity Free Cash Flow (EFCF) is Operating Free Cash Flow less finance charges paid (net), less advances for dividends to non-controlling interests, plus dividends received from joint ventures.
Equity Free Cash Flow after Leases (EFCFaL) is EFCF, less lease principal repayments.
Operating Profit After Tax displays the profit generated from the operations of the company after statutory taxes.
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) is used to assess the Group's efficiency at allocating the capital under its control to and is defined as Operating Profit After Tax, including Guatemala and Honduras as if fully
consolidated, divided by the average invested Capital during the period.
Average Invested Capital is the capital invested in the company operation throughout the year and is calculated with the average of opening and closing balances of the total assets minus current liabilities
(excluding debt, joint ventures, accrued interests, deferred and current tax, cash as well as investments and non-controlling interests), less assets and liabilities held for sale.
Underlying measures, such as Underlying service revenue, Underlying EBITDA, Underlying equity free cash flow, Underlying net debt, Underlying leverage, etc., include Guatemala and Honduras, as if fully
Average Revenue per User per Month (ARPU) for our Mobile customers is (X) the total mobile and mobile financial services revenue (excluding revenue earned from tower rentals, call center, data and mobile
virtual network operator, visitor roaming, national third parties roaming and mobile telephone equipment sales revenue) for the period, divided by (y) the average number of mobile subscribers for the period,
divided by (z) the number of months in the period. We define ARPU for our Home customers in our Latin America segment as (x) the total Home revenue (excluding equipment sales, TV advertising and
equipment rental) for the period, divided by (y) the average number of customer relationships for the period, divided by (z) the number of months in the period. ARPU is not subject to a standard industry
definition and our definition of ARPU may be different to other industry participants.
Please refer to our Annual Report for a complete list and descriptions of non-IFRS measures.
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