Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance slide image

Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance

Our sustainable finance is at the core of our financial strategy Sustainable finance sources (€bn)1 Drawn Total amount² amount² KPIs³ Sustainable sources on total 13 Bonds 30 30 Loans 13 12 RCFs 20 - ЯНОВТАНЦА CLEAN ENERGY ACTION +7 p.p. 13 MATE ACTION 13 MATE ACTION 2022 enel 2025 70% 13 CLIMATE CLEAN ENERGY CPs 18 6 63% Total 81 48 1. 2022E. Enel, EFI, EFA, Endesa and Enel Chile 2.Nominal values of the Programs, it includes, Sustainability-Linked instruments,.Green bonds and subsidized finance 3. KPIs refer only to Sustaibalility-Linked instruments 47
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