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Investor Presentaiton

Cash flow statement (1/2) VINCI → 2009 2010 (in € millions) Concessions Contracting restated actual Cash flow from operations 4,771 5,052 3,197 1,766 Change in WCR and current provisions 524 (78) (8) (80) Income taxes paid (644) (950) (669) (243) Net interest paid (762) (693) (687) (15) Dividends received from equity-accounted 47 54 7 47 entities Net operating capex (616) (595) (42) (553) Operating cash flow 3,320 2,790 1,797 923 Growth Capex in concessions & PPP contracts (1,044) (871) (851) (20) Free cash flow 2,276 1,919 946 903 Restated: after application of IAS 31, Interests in Joint Ventures 67
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