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Investor Presentaiton

R&D Investment Madrid leads R&D spending with 3,922.8 million euros (26.2% of the Spanish total). Madrid is a leader in technological innovation spending with 6,656.6 million euros based on the location of the head office, and 5,846 million euros if considered where the expense has been made, what is 35.6% and 31.3 % respectively of Spanish total. Madrid is the second European region with more jobs in high tech sectors in 2018, behind Ille de France. R&D and personal expenditure Madrid Cataluña Andalucía País Vasco Comunitat Valenciana Castilla y León 3.923 Madrid Cataluña País Vasco Comunitat Valenciana Galicia Castilla y León Galicia Navarra Aragón Murcia Andalucía Aragón Navarra Murcia Castilla-La Mancha Canarias Asturias Castilla-La Mancha Asturias Canarias Baleares Cantabria Extremadura Baleares Cantabria - Rioja ■ Rioja ■ Extremadura 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 Source: Comunidad de Madrid Expense on innovative activities 6.657 0 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 9
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