Investor Presentaiton
Strong Enterprise Risk Management
✓ Strong Risk Culture
✓ Diversified Business Profile
Effectively Managing
Through Market Volatility
Resilient capital ratio under extreme market stress scenarios
Diversified and well-positioned investment portfolio
Hedging programs performing as designed
✓ Clearly Articulated Risk Appetite
Effectively Managing
Through COVID
Excess claims modest in context of available capital
Diversified mortality and longevity lines of business
✓ Well-Designed Risk Framework
✓ Robust Governance Structure
✓ Effective Risk Organization
Mature Operational Risk
Effective coordination across 3-lines-of-defense¹ model
• Well-established enterprise-wide programs and processes
Robust Cyber Security & IT
Risk Management
Established programs aligned with industry standards2,3
Extensive training and awareness campaigns
1 Three lines of defense framework for risk management includes risk owners as first line, risk management as second line, and internal audit as third line
2 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
3 Control Objectives for Information and Technologies (COBIT) Framework
PLGFII Investor Presentation (Q3 2022)
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