Tracxn Overview
By attending this presentation including the commentary by the Company management
and the transcript of the same, together ("Presentation") and/or accepting a copy of it,
you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations and conditions:
This Presentation is prepared by Tracxn Technologies Limited ("Company") solely for
information purposes and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, recommendation, or
invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities and shall not form the basis of or
be relied on in connection with any contract or binding commitment whatsoever. This
Presentation does not consider, nor does it provide any tax, legal, or investment advice
or opinion regarding the specific investment objectives or financial situation of any
person. This Presentation may not be copied, reproduced, summarised, disseminated,
or redistributed to any other person in any manner whatsoever without the Company's
prior consent in each instance. This Presentation has not been and will not be reviewed
or approved by any regulatory authority or by any stock exchange in India. No rights or
obligations of whatsoever nature are created or shall be deemed to be created by the
contents of this Presentation.
The Company, its affiliates, shareholders, directors, employees, or advisors do not make
any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, and no undue reliance should be
placed on the accuracy, fairness, or completeness of the information contained in this
Presentation. The Company, nor any of its advisers or representatives accepts any
liability whatsoever for any actual or consequential loss or damages howsoever arising
from the provision or use of any information contained in this Presentation. The
information contained in this Presentation should be considered in the context of the
situations prevailing at the time when the Presentation was made and are to be read in
conjunction with the company's financial results, uploaded on the Stock Exchanges
where the Company is listed. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or
undertaking to supplement, publicly amend or disseminate any updates or revisions to
any information/statement contained in the Presentation to reflect any change in
events, conditions, or circumstances including economic, regulatory, market, and other
developments on which any such information is based.
This Presentation may contain, words or phrases that are forward-looking statements that
involve risks and uncertainties and are based on certain beliefs, plans, and expectations of
the Company. Although the Company believes that such forward-looking statements are
based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that such expectations will be
met. Actual future performance, outcomes, and results may differ materially from those
expressed in forward-looking statements because of several risks, uncertainties including
but not limited to our ability to implement our strategy successfully, the market acceptance
of and demand for our offering, technological changes, volatility in global capital markets,
pandemic and international and domestic events having a bearing on the Company's
business. You must not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which
are based on the current views of the Company's management.
The operating metrics reported in this Presentation are calculated using internal Company
data based on the operational activities. While these numbers are based on what the
Company believes to be reasonable estimates for the applicable period of measurement,
there are inherent challenges in measuring across some operational metrics. The
methodologies used to measure these metrics require considerable judgment and are also
susceptible to an algorithm or other technical errors. The Company systematically reviews
its processes for calculating these metrics from time to time and may discover inaccuracies
in the metrics or may make adjustments to improve their accuracy, which can result in
adjustments to previously disclosed metrics. In addition, the Company metrics may differ
from estimates published by third parties due to differences in methodology.
To facilitate understanding, some non-GAAP metrics are used and financial amounts are
converted from Lakhs into Crores for this Presentation hence, there could be some
totalling anomalies in the numbers.
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