Bank of Ireland Financial Overview slide image

Bank of Ireland Financial Overview

Bank of Ireland Footnote glossary Slide 3: Step change in business performance 1. New Irish bank channel customer relationships as a proportion of total customers at the start of the year 2. Basis of calculation set out on slide 56 3. Basis of calculation set out on slide 55 4. Net organic capital generation 5. Based on market capitalisation of Bank of Ireland at 31 Dec 2023 Slide 4: Highly attractive Irish market 1. Sources: CSO, Eurostat, Central Bank of Ireland BPFI; Forecasts: Bank of Ireland Economic Research Unit, Davy Slide 5: Strong Irish retail performance 1. Excluding KBCI portfolio acquisition but including redemptions. 11% growth excluding KBCI redemptions Slide 7: Strategic pillars supporting growth and improved Customer experience 1. Total products sold to Irish personal and business customers 2. New Irish bank channel customer relationships as a proportion of total customers at start of the year 3. Ireland retail banking and New Ireland life assurance subsidiary 4. Users who have logged into Banking 365 in the last 90 days Slide 8: delivering benefits to Society and Colleagues 1. Bank of Ireland internal Colleague surveys Slide 9: and rewarding our Shareholders 1. Ordinary dividend subject to shareholder approval Slide 12: FY23 financial performance; PBT +92% 1. Restated for impact of IFRS 17 2. TNAV calculation as at 31 Dec 2023 and does not include any adjustment for distributions announced at FY23 results 3. Statutory EPS is calculated post adjustment for Additional Tier 1 coupons and premium paid on redemption of legacy instruments Slide 13: 48% growth in net interest income 1. 2023 NII reflects transfer of UK personal loans to non-core from 1 Sept 2023; €25m in non-core items, €55m in reported NII of €3,682m Slide 14: Structural hedge providing NII resilience 1. Gross interest income from fixed leg of hedging swap; the Group's fixed rate assets (e.g. fixed rate lending) are fully hedged for interest rate risk; these hedges partially offset the Group's structural hedge 2. The sensitivity assumes (i) an instantaneous and parallel movement in all interest rates, with a starting point of an ECB deposit rate of 4%; (ii) a static balance sheet in size and composition; (iii) assets and liabilities whose pricing is mechanically linked to market or central bank policy rates reprice immediately; (iv) certain other inputs including pass throughs to assets and liabilities. The sensitivities should not be considered a forecast of future performance in rate scenarios as they do not capture potential management action in response to unexpected changes in the interest rate environment. Net interest income sensitivities will change depending on interest rate starting point Slide 15: Loan book growth reflects KBCI and Irish net lending 1. Included in Group net loan volumes of €79.7bn at 31 Dec 2023 is €1.1bn of UK personal loans transferred to non-core from 1 Sept 2023 38
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