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Orizon Sustainability and ESG Initiatives

ORIZON ||| = ABOUT US NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL PLATFORM PERFORMANCE GRI SUMMARY < 37 > BOARD OF DIRECTORS GRI 2-10 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE Board of Directors Supervisory Board Audit Committee Ethics Committee Executive Officers Orizon's highest governing body, the Board of Directors (BD) is responsible for maintaining the longevity of the Company and creating long-term value. It is responsible for electing and supervising the Executive Officers and establishing the company's directives, such as, for example, the business plan and the investment policy. The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the development of the business and good management of the Company, or stating opinions on matters of interest, including those related to impact. GRI 2-12, 2-13 Its members are selected using criteria established by the Corporations' Law and the B3's New Regulations Issuer's Manual Elected at the General Shareholders' Meeting, the BD can be composed of up to seven effective members, whilst at least 20% of them should be independent. They need to be aligned with the Company's values and culture, the Code of Ethics, the internal policies and the applicable legislation. Furthermore, they must have an unblemished reputation, an education compatible with the attributes or a minimum of professional experience, having exercised functions similar to those which are to be performed during their mandate on the board, or having combined skills and experiences that are of interest to the Company at the time of appointment. The Board also holds numerous meetings to discuss important issues for the development of the collective understanding, including matters related to the climate. The members of the BD should have no conflicts of interest with the Company and have time available to properly dedicate themselves to the role and responsibilities of a board member. GRI 2-17 The Company has not established any frequency or processes for discussing and informing the Board on issues relating to climate, meaning that the issue is addressed when the board, employees or advisers believe that it should be discussed or updated. TCFD Governance a. READ MORE To read more about the composition of the BD and Orizon's other governance organs, click on this link.
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