VISION 2050 - Fluvius path to climate neutrality
FLUVIUS Green Financing Framework
1° Use of Proceeds
Fluvius allocates the net proceeds of each issue of a Green Financing Instrument under its Green Financing Framework to a
portfolio of new and/or existing Eligible Green Projects (EGP).
The projects will contribute to either one of the following environmental objectives: climate change mitigation, climate
change adaptation and sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources*
2° Process for
Project Evaluation &
3° Management of
4° Reporting
Fluvius's ESG policy is prepared, elaborated and coordinated by the Fluvius CSR Board, and validated/approved by its
Management Committee and Board of Directors
The evaluation and selection of projects to be financed by Green Financing Instruments is carried out by a dedicated Green
Finance Committee, composed by senior representatives of Fluvius and chaired by the company's CFO.
The process for the management of proceeds is handled by Fluvius's Corporate Finance team, which monitors and keeps
track of the amount of net proceeds from GFI instruments and the investments made in Eligible Green Projects.
Fluvius intends to allocate the full amount of proceeds within the next 24 months following the issuance of GFI's.
An amount equal to the net proceeds from the Green Financing Instruments will be deposited in Fluvius's general account.
Fluvius to report annually on the allocation and impact of its net proceeds during the lifetime of outstanding Green
Financing Instruments.
Starting one year after issuance and until the maturity date of the relevant Green Financing Instrument Fluvius will request
on an annual basis external assurance on the allocation and impact of the Green Financing Instrument issued under this
Green Financing Framework.
ISS-ESG delivered an external opinion (Nov 2020) certifying that the Fluvius Green Financing Framework is aligned with:
the Green Bond Principles (GBP) developed by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA)
5° External Review
the Green Loan Principles (GLP) developed by the Loan Market Association (LMA)
the Green Bond Standards as proposed by the European Union
* 3 of the EU Taxonomy's Environmental Objectives
June 2022.
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