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Investor Presentaiton

GRI 102-15 GRI 102-18, GRI 205-1 IHARA seeks a continuous evolution in its governance structure to sustainable growth through the implementation of a system and review of internal processes and controls. IHARA's governance structure is made up of the general shareholders' meeting, Board of Directors and Executive Board, which is supported by strategic committees, which always have the participation of the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer, in addition to the selected Directors and Managers, according to each theme. The general shareholders' meeting is annually held, in an ordinary manner, to render accounts to shareholders and society. Elections are held every two years, during the meetings to compose the Board of Directors, with the Board of Directors being responsible for electing the Statutory Directors. GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING (GSM) BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT STRATEGIC COMMITTEES AND NRAC - NOMINATION & REMUNERATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Compensation and Appointment Advisory Committee Portfolio and Innovation Committee Planning and Investment Committee Treasury and Credit Committee Sustainability Committee Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee Legal Affairs Committee SENIOR ADVISOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SHAREHOLDER RELATIONS AND CORPORATE PLANNING ETHICS AND INTEGRITY Ethics and integrity these are essential values that are reflected in IHARA culture and relationships with stakeholders. To ensure that risks related to corruption are properly reduced and mitigated, IHARA has policies and addi- tionally, it implemented a new management system (SAP). All controls are monitored and directly attended by senior management and the compliance team. In 2020, no relevant risks were identified, and IHARA has controls and an audit process, supported by the Compliance and Corporate Risks Committees and the Ethics Committee. The company does not maintain relationships with disreputable companies and, by means of auditing, carries out verification work through information ob- tained through the "Transparency Portal" and periodic supplier analysis. IHARA has a Code of Conduct and Ethics, which is based on the company's Beliefs and Values, which for- malizes the IHARA culture, guided by law, ethics and respect for society. Presented and delivered to each employee at the time of their integration, its provi- sions are reinforced through training and e-learning sessions. Upon delivery of the document, the employ- ee reads and signs evidence of knowledge of the Code of Conduct and Ethics. IHARA encourages all employees to report through the available communication channels situations that are not in line with the organization's standards of behavior. IHARA prohibits retaliation against reports made in good faith, and the company also provides to- tems and pamphlets for anonymous description of the problem identified. This form can also be completed electronically and always anonymously. BUSINESS MARKETING 20 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL FINANCE OPERATION 21 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT IHARA 2019
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