South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview slide image

South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview

BCM/hr Productivity 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 TERRA ENERGY BNU MINE WORLD CLASS OPERATION IN MONGOLIA Delivering not only Mongolian productivity records but world class productivity from its mining fleet Asset utilisation in Mongolia is higher than other major producing basins Have developed this capability in a systematic fashion to ensure repeatable results during expansion and development of its other assets Unit m3 mining cost performance is very competitive with global hard coking coal producers CAT6030 EXC CAT390 EXC Cat777D RD Global First Quartile productivity Annual operating hours Asset Utilisation 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Note: Sourced from extensive internal analysis of best in country mining projects around the world Indonesia Australia Canada United States Mongolia TERRACOM Terra Energy 30
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