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Investor Presentaiton

1. Details of Consolidated Financial Results for FY19 (6) Consolidated Balance Sheets Cash and deposit Account receivables Merchandise Others 15.5 billion 9.0 billion + 2.4 billion +12.4 billion Accounts payable (Millions of yen) Short-term borrowings - 6.5 billion + 0.9 billion Current portion of bonds with stock acquisition rights - 15.0 billion +17.0 billion Bonds Long-term loans payable Lease obligations Deferred tax liabilities +39.8 billion 0.3 billion + 1.9 billion 0.8 billion 0.8 billion Others 114,248 Current assets -9,568 Current liabilities -3,566 64,327 67,894 Tangible fixed assets (depreciable assets) 123,817 Buildings, etc. Accumulated depreciation +116.6 billion 22.3 billion Construction in progress Land 52.7 billion Others + 1.5 billion Intangible fixed assets - 0.8 billion Investments and other assets Fixed liabilities +39,766 255,136 215,370 Investment securities + 3.2 billion Deferred tax assets + 1.7 billion Net defined benefit assets 0.9 billion Fixed assets +46,277 407,114 360,837 Total assets 521,363 Total assets 484,654 FY19 FY18 24 201,390 FY18 Net assets +509 Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive income Non-controlling interest +1.4 billion - 2.2 billion +1.3 billion 201,899 Equity ratio FY2019 31.2% FY2018 33.7% ( -2.5P) FY19 Note: Figures shown are rounded down to the nearest million yen.
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