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Investor Presentaiton

SBERBANK 170 YEARS. BY YOUR SIDE ANNUAL REPORT RISK MANAGEMENT 2011 107 106 << financial results The Group has launched a project to implement a comprehensive automated risk management system for corporate credit risks that will make it possible to evaluate the current status of movements in and the outlook for credit risks, also based on the requirements of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In 2011, the Bank completed implementation of the Loan Factory, a new individual lending process, for mortgage lending, the most recent in our key offerings for individuals Based on macroeconomic scenarios, the Group performs credit risk sensitivity analyses for individual corporate borrowers and the whole corporate loan portfolio. As a result of such analyses, it identifies macro factors that to a maximum extent correlate with the likelihood of borrower default. In order to conduct stress testing, statistical information on sharp movements in macro factors is used to model credit ratings in stress scenarios. Credit risk management-small and micro businesses In 2011, the Group continued to improve risk management in small business lending. In order to identify risk types and assign ratings, customers are classified as either micro businesses, for which retail risk measurement tools are used, or small businesses, for which the Bank has developed risk measurement tools that are fully integrated with risk management for medium-sized and large corporate custom- ers. The Group uses two consistent centralised processes in small business lending: - The Loan Factory. The Loan Factory applies a product approach to measuring risk. This means that the loan applicant's credit score and risk level are calculated at the time the loan is requested and the loan price and lending limit are also determined. The transaction is assigned a credit rating. The Loan Conveyor. The Loan Conveyor is a technology whereby a long-term rating is assigned to a customer or group of related persons using the corporate risk measurement model applicable to the corresponding customer category. The conveyor also in- cludes limit management and decision-making authority systems. In 2011, the first phase of implementation of the Loan Conveyor was completed at two regional offices. When testing the process, the Bank implemented a consistent approach to evaluating col- lateral and measuring legal risks, improved the loan process, reduced request processing time and conducted a centralised independent risk review, including verification of customer data and an assessment of the customer's credit history and business reputation. Phased automation and widespread rollout of the Loan Conveyor are planned for 2012. Credit risk management-retail In 2011, the Bank completed implementation of the Loan Factory, a new individual lending process, for mortgage lending, the most recent in our key offerings for individuals. The process involves a com- prehensive analysis of information on transaction parties from various sources, centralisation of the analysis and decision-making roles, and a high degree of pre-lending workflow automation. Having this risk management system in place across regional offices helps the Bank to control risks at each lending stage, maintain the quality of its loan portfolio and gradually reduce customer service time. Distressed loans The Group exercises ongoing control over the collection of distressed loans at each collection stage. The Group optimises lending and debt collection processes in incidents where any distressed areas or stages are identified in debt collection, or in cases when collection efficiency declines or distressed loan portfolios grow in particular regions or customer and product segments. To this end, the Bank completed implementation of Tallyman in 2011. Tallyman is an automated system for early collection of overdue re- tail loans. Industry analysis, currency analysis and concentration The Group's loan portfolio is well diversified across sectors. Trade and services account for the largest parts of loan portfolio - 19.8% and 13.5% respectively. Retail loans accounted for 21.5% of loan portfolio as of 31 December 2011, 0.2 p.p. up from 2010. Lending to telecom- munications, transport and energy companies grew most significantly in 2011, while lending to oil and gas and metals companies declined. 170 YEARS. IT'S JUST THE BEGINNING WWW.SBERBANK.RU financial results
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