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Investor Presentaiton

MARKET ORIENTATION MISSION (MOM) TO NETHERLANDS AND FRANCE... FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS i. Long-term trends: • There is high interest in innovative, organic, healthy and natural products. • Ginger companies should consider production of ginger powder, steam sterilization for product treatment, investment in laboratory facilities and machineries for testing ginger to ensure that it meets buyers' requirements. ii. Low hanging fruit for value addition: • Buyers are looking for alternative sources of ginger and they are more interested in dealing with exporters who have previously sold to their countries. Buyers are less willing to source ginger from India because of high pesticide residue level (PRL). • Certification makes it easier to secure new business deals, the essence of investing in European Certifications for Nigerian exportable products cannot be over-emphasized. NEPC NIGERIAN EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL
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