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2021 Earnings Presentation

Rwanda - Banking sector overview 두 Sector review • • • • Banking sector assets recorded growth of 17% YoY in Dec 2021 to RWF 5,064Bn (RWF 4,310Bn in Dec 2020). Customer deposits increased to RWF 3,087Bn, a 17% YoY growth from the Dec 2020 levels. The industry remains well-capitalized and liquid, with an aggregate Tier 1 & Tier 2 CAR of 20.6% and 21.5% respectively, while LCR position was 268.9% (Dec 2021). Credit risk slightly improved with NPL ratio of 4.6% (Dec-2021) supported by improving macroeconomic conditions. Profitability indicators as of end Dec 2021 stood at 2.5% and 15.0% for the Return on Average Assets and Return on Average Equity respectively. Source: BNR, Financial sector statistics 459 1,579 1,723 2,685 514 1,778 1,965 3,091 620 1,995 2,190 3,476 714 2,383 2,647 4,310 849 2,714 3,087 5,064 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 ■ Shareholder Equity Loans & Advances Total Deposits Total Assets I&M Rwanda - 2021 Earnings Presentation 18
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