Investor Presentaiton
ESG: Aleatica Global's Five Strategic Pillars
Focused on achieving superior business performance across financial and operational measures, always
guided by our five strategic pillars that are indispensable for the sustainability of our business.
Enhanced safety and
security standards for
users and employees
Aleatica Labs, a subsidiary
of Aleatica, works to
complete physical and
digital infrastructure
integration with a focus
on prediction, detection
and timely attention to
• Numerous initiatives have
improved employee safety
such as enhanced toll
booth protections and
truck-mounted impact
'cushions' to protect work
Social and
⚫ Devote the best technical
knowledge to reduce
social and environmental
impact during operation
• Develop technological
initiatives and promote
collaborative solutions
aimed at sustainable
mobility and energy
•The implementation of a
reversible lane at
Viaducto Bicentenario
reduced evening
commutes by up to 30
minutes, leading to CO₂
savings from improved
traffic flows
Excellence in
•Develop state-of-the-art
technology that enhances
capacity to deliver
excellence in service
•Technological solutions
provided by our team
include intelligent
transport systems for safe
and sustainable
• Avant-garde toll payment
systems, real-time
information for our
customers and business
intelligence applied to big
data for improved
knowledge of client needs
Transparency and
• Aleatica focuses on
increasing transparency in
its operations, setting
new corporate ethics
guidelines, and following
the best global practices
in corporate governance,
leveraging the experience
of its controlling
shareholder, IFM Investors
• Aleatica conducted a
pioneering transparency
effort in Mexico by
publishing the titles and
modifications of two of its
concessions and creating a
dedicated transparency
Talented World-
Class Team
Excellence can only come
from our employees, who
represent our values and
carry out our corporate
culture on a daily basis
initiatives are encouraged
among our teams by
establishing clear targets
and challenges
This part of our corporate
culture has enabled
improvements in our
working processes and
utilized technology to
optimize our operations
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