Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

11 APPENDICES ABOUT ENEVA Stakeholder - Engagement and frequency approach 4/7 Stakeholder Engagement approach [GRI 102-12 | 102-13 | 102-43] Companhia de Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos do Estado do We maintain a commercial relationship with the company responsible for the water supply of the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex. Ceará (Cogerh) São Gonçalo do Amarante Local Government Meeting with the municipal secretaries about the execution of partnerships in social projects. Amazonas Government Amazonas State Department of Economic Development, Science, Innovation & Technology Companhia Amazonense de Gás (Cigás) Meeting with the governor and state secretaries with competence in public policies that impact our operations and future projects. Support in fighting Covid-19. BACK Engagement frequency As needed Frequent Frequent Monitoring the implementation of the Azulão-Jaguatirica project, as well as other actions related to the positive im-pact generated by us in the economic development of the state's inland cities. Occasional Stakeholder in the Amazonas gas market, especially in the distribution of piped gas to captive consumers. Permanent Local governments of inland cities of Amazonas Considering that the Azulão-Jaguatirica project is partially located in the municipalities of Silves and Itapiranga, con-tact is constant and covers various topics, such as social responsibility, information to ensure the safety of opera-tions and employees, and assistance in facing Covid-19. Permanent ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & GRI MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 124
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