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Investor Presentaiton

Operating Costs 6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months to 6 months to 12 months 31 Dec 2022 In millions of AUD 31 Dec 2022 (Current ended 31 Dec 2021 (PCP) 30 Jun 2022 (Prior half) at PCP 30 Jun 2022 31 Dec 2022 at Prior half currency basis currency basis Current period Current period vs PCP vs Prior half period) COGS 40.5 37.7 44.5 82.2 38.5 38.7 2.8 (4.0) Sales, service and marketing 35.0 25.0 30.8 55.8 32.6 32.9 10.0 4.2 ('SSM') R&D 19.4 18.0 17.3 35.3 18.6 18.7 1.4 2.1 Administration 12.9 10.9 10.1 21.0 12.2 12.3 2.0 2.8 Total Operating costs 107.8 91.6 102.7 194.3 101.9 102.6 16.2 5.1 Gross profit 83.6 63.0 75.0 138.0 77.4 78.0 20.6 8.6 Gross profit margin % 67% 63% 63% 63% 67% 67% 4% 4% COGS Increase in costs attributable to increased sales compared to the pcp. Decrease in costs compared to the prior half due to reduction in total units sold in the current period. Adverse translation impact $2.0m at pcp currency basis and $1.8m at prior half currency basis. SSM Costs SSM costs over total revenue was 28%, compared to 25% at pcp and 26% at prior half. Increase predominantly relating to staff costs and the impact of rising inflation across other costs. Adverse translation impact of $2.4m at pcp currency basis and $2.1m at prior half currency basis. R&D Costs Increase in costs compared to the pcp resulted from the increase in evaluation and testing expenses and the impact of rising inflation across other costs. Increase in costs compared to the prior half due to increase in evaluation and testing expenses and staffing costs and the impact of rising inflation across other costs. Adverse translation impacts of $0.8m at pcp currency basis and $0.7m at prior half currency basis. Administration Costs Increase in admin costs compared to the pcp as a result of increase in professional fees, personnel costs, and subscriptions. Increase in admin costs compared to the prior half as a result of increases staff costs and the impact of rising inflation across other costs. Adverse translation impacts of $0.7m at pcp currency basis and $0.6m at prior half currency basis. A 11
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