2023 Tri-State Investor Presentation
We are Tri-State, a not-for-profit wholesale power
supplier with 45 members, including 42 electric
cooperatives and public power districts across the
Western United States. Together, we provide power
to more than one million energy consumers in
Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming.
■ We believe that reliable power is the lifeblood of the
rural West and is critical to the future of our
communities. That's why we've made it our mission
to supply reliable, affordable, responsibly-generated
power to the farms, ranches, resorts and small
towns that our members serve.
Tri-State became FERC jurisdictional in September
2019. FERC provides a forum for all members,
regardless of state or size, to have a voice and be
considered by the regulator in rate matters.
▪ 42 Utility Members
Tri-State's member systems span areas in
Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming.
200,000 Square Miles
With our members, we serve over a million
consumers across an area greater than California.
Our members are the sole state-certified providers
of electric service to retail customers within their
designated service territories.
2023 TRI-STATE INVESTOR PRESENTATION | 4View entire presentation